by Vivian Imbruglia March 01, 2024 2 min read
It is with unique delight that I can present to you this special collaboration with My Saint My Hero.
When God speaks, many times it is not with words. Several years ago, as my husband and I sat in our church waiting for our Lenten Mission to start, something unique happened. It was the third night of the mission. Not knowing what the topic would be, as I often do I took out my sketchbook and pencil and began to doodle prayerfully.
Admittedly, as I began, my mind and soul were not at rest -it had been a very difficult week- but as I sat in our church drawing, I slowly began to feel such beautiful peace. I sketched what was on my mind, and sat back. The image was intriguing. I stared at the picture, trying to understand what I had been led to sketch.
The Mission talk commenced, and I put away my drawing tools. The priest discussed the Eucharist and the True Presence. I remember clearly some points from his talk:
I don't know where it came from, but I clearly left with the words "She became what she received."
I know these are things we have all heard before, but the fact that I had sketched some of these sentiments before the talk, is what was so incredibly moving. When I arrived home, I sketched again. I opened my heart wholly to allow the Holy Spirit to move within me.
It was not long before I had full-fledged icon completed.
First I would like to draw your attention to elements of a golden veil all along the border. These remind us that in our Church, everything that is sacred is veiled: the tabernacle, the chalice, the altar, and yes, woman. We women are considered sacred in our Church because we can carry life within us!
Next you will notice the angels. Scripture tells us that the Seraphim angels sit at the throne of God singing Holy, Holy Holy!
In the middle, a monstrance holding the Eucharist and the characters IHS inscribed.
Hidden within the icon, as always, you can find the letters AMDG. This stands for Ad Majoriam Dei Gloriam which translates to "For the greater glory of God." Everything is done for His glory.
My mission has always been to “Spread the beauty of faith through images.” When I pulled out my sketch pad that other night, it was like God was telling me,
“Right here and now you need to continue with my mission!”
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by Vivian Imbruglia August 02, 2024 3 min read
Read Moreby Vivian Imbruglia April 17, 2024 3 min read
Read MoreLet us delight and inspire you with the stories of Saints written into traditional iconography.